Connections Newsletter

Our Associate Board Continues to Advocate for Awareness and Funds for Shelter Partnership

We’re coming up on the second anniversary of the formation of our Associate Board of Young Professionals. This group of bright, energetic ambassadors for our work continues to amaze us!!

During 2017, the group participated in the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, participated in the Hollywood Half Marathon for the second year to raise funds for us, co-sponsored a networking mixer with the United Way of Greater Los Angeles, attended our Annual Dinner, organized their summer Care and Share mixer, launched a crowdfunding campaign to help us cover for flood damage at our warehouse and elected new officers.

The outlook for 2018 is very bright. The Associate Board has a number of volunteer events lined up and have big plans to expand the mission of Shelter Partnership.

Our Associate Board members undergo a process to help us find the best young professionals in Los Angeles County to assist us with recruitment, events, community outreach and more. Membership applications are currently being accepted. Visit our website under the Get Involved tab for more info and the online application.

Members of the Associate Board with Development Director Tracy Wallace (center) at our 28th Annual Dinner in May. This was the serious picture. (From left: Shashwat Mishra, Charuni Patibanda, Benno Nelson, Shane Devins, Tracy Wallace, Kevin Anderson, Melissa Smyt, Lauren Greene and Adam Bierman)


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